W. Owen Redwood

Me on the left.  Others are VIPs

Department of Computer Science

Florida State University

Tallahassee, FL 32306-4530   U.S.A.

Director of SAIT Research Lab

Offensive Security Instructor

MS Thesis in Computer Science

Curriculum Vitae

Office: 010 Love Building


reddit username:oredwood

twitter username:sk4ld


URL: http://ww2.cs.fsu.edu/~redwood/

Groups: N0L3ptr http://noleptr.wordpress.com/

I am a Ph.D student of the Department of Computer Science at the Florida State University.  I am also the acting director of the SAIT research lab, as well as the creator / lead-instructor of CIS 4930 / CIS 5930 “Offensive Security” course.  I’m also the co founder and leader of the N0L3ptr computer security group @ FSU.

My research interests involve: counterintelligence/honeypots, insider threats, vulnerability research and many others...

Courses Taught

Offensive Computer Security - Spring 2014

Offensive Security - Spring 2013