Exercise 19 - 03/09/2017 1. Write a c++ program to read in a string from the user. Change every 5th element to an 'a'. Accept another string from the user and append it to the original string. Print the result. Sample Run: Enter a string: C++ strings are a lot of fun. Enter the string to be appended: macaroni and cheese The final string is: C++ atrina areaa loa of aun.macaroni and cheese 2. Write a C++ program to read in a long string delimited by '*'. This string could have newline characters in it. Pass this string into a function that will retun the number of lines in the string. (Hint: count the number of '\n' characters). Sample run: Enter a string: Taco cat Blue Green Red Some text here This is another line. And another one* The text had 6 lines.