/* * Part 1: * (i): Base = 2000, size = 8, index = 34 * Address = 2000 + 8*34 = 2272 * (ii): Base = 10504, size = 2, index = 120 * Address = 10504 + 2*120 = 10744 * (iii): Actual index = (3-1)*rowsize + 2 = 2 * 3 + 2 = 8 * Base = 500, size = 4, index = 8 * Address = 500 + 4*8 = 532 */ //Program to find the smallest number in an array #include using namespace std; int main() { //declare array int arr[10]; //read in the array cout<<"Enter 10 numbers:"<> arr[i]; //each iteration reads in one element int smallest = arr[0]; //assume the first one is the smallest for(int i=1; i<10; i++) //We already looked at element 0 { if(arr[i] < smallest) //If we found a smaller number, that is the new smallest smallest = arr[i]; } cout<<"The smallest number is "<