Exercise 1 - 01/17/2017 1. Write a C++ program to declare a long variable. Initialize it with a value of your choosing. Ptint the number and the size of the variable. Sample Output: The value is 4322001159814775603. The size is 8 bytes. For this problem, you need not choose the number given. You can give it any value. The program should print the value you assined to the long variable. 2. Write a C++ program to declare a char variable. Print it without initializing it. Now, initialize it with the letter 'B'. Print the value and the size. Sample Output: The value before initialization is ^ The value after iniialization is B. The size is 1 byte. For this problem, you might not get '^' when you print. This is a random garbage value. You output could show another letter, number, symbol or even nothing. That is compeletely OK, since the ASCII character set includes some non printable characters.