So your options are essentially as follows: CommonsWare: The Busy Coder's Guide to Advanced Android Development - 0981678017 Android Programming Tutorials: Easy-To-Follow Training-Style Exercises on Android Application Development - 0981678025 These have updates on line to bring them up to date. Alternatively, you can buy all three books * The Busy s Guide to Android Development * The Busy s Guide to Advanced Android Development * Android Programming Tutorials for $35, with free updates for a year, at I recommend this book because they have a lot of good example code and projects. O'Reilly: Another book is O'Reilly's Android Application Development (0596521472). Not a bad book, but less up to date with no updates online. It's available in print and as a pdf, and as a bundle of the two. There's also he next version of Pro Android (1430226595), but it doesn't release until the end of the month. While both of the digital options are drm-free, only CommonsWare has the free updates with each new major SDK release. If you buy a print edition of a the CommonsWare books, you can exchange them for a subscription later. So, I stand behind the busy coder's guide (not so much the tutorial one). Also, the repository for their stuff is open sourced and located at