*** Displaying each car's stats Car1: Your car is a 1997 Ford Crown Victoria And it is currently going 0 MPH Car2: Your car is a 2015 Chevrolet Camaro And it is currently going 0 MPH Car3: Your car is a 2015 Hyundai Sonata And it is currently going 0 MPH *** Accelerating car 3 several times: Car3 speed: 10 Car3 speed: 15 Car3 speed: 16 Car3 speed: 17 Car3 speed: 17 *** Resetting car make/models Car1: Your car is a 1997 Ford Crown Victoria And it is currently going 0 MPH Car3: Your car is a 2005 Toyota Camry And it is currently going 17 MPH *** Decelerating car3 Car3 speed: 12 Car3 speed: 11 Car3 speed: 10 Car3 speed: 5 Car3 speed: 5 Car3 speed: 0 *** Calling accessors Car1: Make: Ford Model: Crown Victoria Year: 1997 Car2: Make: Chevrolet Model: Camaro Year: 2015 Car1: Make: Toyota Model: Camry Year: 2005