s1 = s2 = Hello, World s3 = Welcome to Florida, have a nice day s4 = 12345 Making the calls: cin >> s1 getline(cin, s2, ',') getline(cin, s3) Enter some sentences: John was here, but not there New string values: s1 = John s2 = was here s3 = but not there --------------------------- result = DogFood s1 = DogFood s5 = The concatenation of the catapult is a catamaran s5.indexOf("cat") returns 7 s5.indexOf("dog") returns -1 s5.getLength() = 48 s5[4] = c s5[10] = e s5[15] = o s5[52] = ascii 0 s5.substring(10,16) = enation of the c s5.substring(23) = e catapult is a catamaran ----------------------------- words = Greetings, Earthling words.getLength() = 20 words = Kreepings, Earthzing words = Kreepings, Earthzing Q words = Kreepings, Insane Earthzing Q ----------------------------- x = apple y = apply x < y is true x <= y is true x != y is true