About This Group

How google web server handle trillions of clicks from all around the world? How GPS give drivers routes based on shortest distance/shortest time? How facebook suggest friends based on your profile? The answers to these questions involve data management to a great extent.

Our group focuses on research in query processing on both streaming and relational database systems, management and indexing of large databases, spatio-temporal database applications, security issues in data management field, query processing in probabilistic data, and distributed DBMS. We strive for innovative algorithm design in the context of above research areas.

Recent Publications

  • J. Jestes, G. Cormode, F. Li, K. Yi, N. Koudas, Semantics of Ranking Queries for Probabilistic Data.  To Appear in IEEE transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering. (IEEE TKDE)  2010. 

  • F. Li, B. Yao, P. Kumar, Group Enclosing Queries, To Appear in IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, (IEEE TKDE) 2010. 

  • F. Li, K. Yi, W. Le, Top-k Queries on Temporal Data.  To Appear in the International Journal on Very Large DataBases(VLDBJ), 2010. 

  • J. Jestes, F. Li, Z. Yan, K. Yi, Probabilistic String Similarity Joins.  In Proceedings of 29th ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Data (SIGMOD 2010),  Indianapolis, Indiana, June 2010. 

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    Recent Seminars

  • 2010-04-30  [Project Deuteronomy: Re-architecting a DBMS Kernel] by David Lomet, Microsoft Research, at Scientific Computing Seminar Room, 499 Dirac Library

  • 2009-12-01  [Authenticating the Query Results of Text Search Engines] by Jimeng Sun, IBM T.J.Watson Research, at 151 Lov Bldg

  • 2009-03-27  [Reverse Furthest Neighbors in Spatial Databases] presented by Bin Yao, at 151

  • History of Seminars