Exercise 25 - 04/06/2017 1. Write a C++ program that reads in numbers from the user and prints the squares of the numbers to a file called "squares.txt". Stop when the user enters 0. Sample Run: Enter numbers (0 to stop): 5 -12.4 19 2.5 -8 0 After the program is done, the file "squares.txt" should contain: 25 153.76 361 6.25 64 2. Write a C++ program that reads from a file called "SomeText.txt". The first line of the file will tell you how many lines are in the file. Use getline to read in each line and find the number of words in each line and print it. The input file is on the website and can be downloaded. Sample Run (for the given file): Line 1: 2 words Line 2: 13 words Line 3: 11 words Line 4: 10 words Line 5: 9 words