COP 3330 - Student Project

Due: Friday, July 29 (11:59PM)


To gain experience with base and derived classes, virtual functions, and using applications of polymorphism.


You will design a set of classes for storing student information, along with a main program that will read student information from a stdin (keyboard), store the data, compute final grades, and then print a summary report to an the screen.


  1. Design a set of classes that store student grade information. There should be one base class to store common data, and three derived classes that divide the set of students into three categories: English students, History students, and Math students. All data stored in these classes should be private or protected. Any access to class data from outside should be done through public member functions. The base class should allocate storage for the following data (and only this data):  
  2. Each class should have a function that will compute and return the student's final average, based on the stored grades. All grades are based on a 100 point scale. Here are the grades that need storing for each subject, along with the breakdown for computing each final grade:

    English -- Attendance = 10%, Project = 30%, Midterm = 30%, Final Exam = 30%

    History -- Term Paper = 25%, Midterm = 35%, Final Exam = 40%

    Math -- There are 5 quizzes, to be averaged into one Quiz Average (which can be a decimal number). Final grade computed as follows:
    * Quiz Average = 15%, Test 1 = 25%, Test 2 = 25%, Final Exam = 35%

  3. Write a main program (in a separate file) that does the following (in this order):

    a) Read the student data from the input keyboard and store it using an array of appropriate type. You should use just one array for all students, not a separate array for each subject (i.e. this will be a heterogeneous list).  You will need to allocate this list dynamically, since the number of students is given in the input.  (Note that this also means each list item will need to be created dynamically).  Each student's data should be stored in a separate object. (Any dynamically allocated space should be cleaned up appropriately with delete when you are finished with it).

    Hint: Remember that a heterogeneous list is implemented using an array of pointers to the base class type. And as stated above, this must be created dynamically in this situation. i.e. you will need to use the new operator. If you declare your array like this:
        Student* list[size];
    then it is WRONG.

    c) Print a summary report to the screen, as specified below.  You'll need to use the function that computes the final average when you do this, since the final averages will be included in this summary report.

  4. Formats

    Input -- The first line input file will contain the number of students listed in the file. This will tell you how big a list you need.  After the first line, every set of two lines constitutes a student entry. The first line of a student entry is the name, in the format lastName, firstName. Note that a name could include spaces -- the comma will delineate last name from first name. The second line will contain the subject ("English", "History", or "Math"), followed by a list of grades (all integers), all separated by spaces. The order of the grades for each class type is as follows:

    English -- Attendance, Project, Midterm, Final Exam
    History -- Term Paper, Midterm, Final Exam
    Math -- Quiz 1, Quiz 2, Quiz 3, Quiz 4, Quiz 5, Test 1, Test 2, Final Exam

    Output -- The output file that you print should list each student's name (firstName lastName - no extra punctuation between), Final Exam grade, final average (printed to 2 decimal places), and letter grade (based on 10 point scale, i.e. 90-100 A, 80-89 B, etc). Output should be separated by subject, with an appropriate heading before each section, and each student's information listed on a separate line, in an organized fashion. (See example below).

  5. General Requirements

Sample input (Get a copy here):

Bunny, Bugs
Math 90 86 80 95 100 99 96 93
Schmuckatelli, Joe
History 88 75 90
Dipwart, Marvin
English 95 76 72 88
Crack Corn, Jimmy
Math 44 58 23 76 50 59 77 68
Kirk, James T.
English 40 100 68 88
Lewinsky, Monica
History 60 72 78

Corresponding Output:
Student Grade Summary 


Student                                   Final   Final   Letter 
Name                                      Exam    Avg     Grade 
Marvin Dipwart                            88      80.30   B 
James T. Kirk                             88      80.80   B 


Student                                   Final   Final   Letter 
Name                                      Exam    Avg     Grade 
Joe Schmuckatelli                         90      84.25   B 
Monica Lewinsky                           78      71.40   C 


Student                                   Final   Final   Letter 
Name                                      Exam    Avg     Grade 
Bugs Bunny                                93      94.83   A 
Jimmy Crack Corn                          68      65.33   D 

You should submit the this assignment using PyGrader: