When the application is first started it defaults to a zoomed out map view of the United States.
The wandering probability is 0% and there is no information about weather conditions or home location set.
When the monitoring service is started, by pressing the toggle button, is first tries to grab
the new GPS Coordinates. Notice the new GPS icon on the top of the screen.
Most times it is unable to get those coordinates because it takes the GPS some time to
find a satellite. So the last good cached home location is loaded into the map.
Zooming in on a point will increase the drawn radius.
This is a screen indicating that the user is plugged in and charging.
The home icon and radius are only drawn on start and when a new home location
is determined. This has 0% of wandering because we do not run the learning algorithm
until the location is outside of the allowed radius.
This screen shows that the user is not plugged in. Thus the person is drawn
at their determined location. They are however still inside of the safe
radius so they still have a zero percent probability of wandering.
In this screen the user is outside of their safe radius and thus the probability of
wandering is loaded from the Learning Algorithm.
A random number is than picked and given the displayed probability of issuing an alert.
In this screen an Alert from the iWander Activity was issued.
This is where the user will give their feedback to the algorithm.
Pressing the button will cancel the alert and is a negative response.
Letting the Alert timeout will contact an emergency person and give
them additional information and values via SMS. If the emergency person
is contacted than this counts as a positive response.
The settings button will bring up a menu in which the user can modify
values that the program uses.
There are two different types of settings that can be modified.
The location settings and the weather settings.
Additional preferences can be added.
All GPS information is kept under the location preference.
Here the user can edit the frequency in which location updates are sent
by minimum distance and time.
They are also able to change the distance of the safe radius around the home
Weather settings allow the user the change the safe range of temperatures by specifing
the min and max temperature.