Game of Thrones - Fun Theories

Here starts the list of theories that I think are not likely to happen in the Game of Thrones universe, but would be interesting or amusing at least. DISCLAIMER: I do not take credit for any of this work. All theories enclosed and those who dedicated their time and effort into creating/discovering them will be credited below the theory and I will follow their description of their theory as closely as possible in order to prevent a change in meaning, but I will edit out what I think is unnecessary to the understanding of the theory, a.k.a. fluff.

1. Bran Stark Built the Wall?

"There are plenty of Brans in the history of Game of Thrones, particularly Bran the Builder who built the wall. If Bran Stark can change the past to impact the future, it's possible that, after seeing the White Walkers, Bran Stark built the wall. Stories of Bran the Builder were also Bran's favorite as a child. Could Bran be all the Brandon Starks that came before him? If so, the implications are insane."

credit to: Nicole Silverberg at GQ

2. Jaqen H'ghar (a.k.a. Sexy Jesus) and Syrio Forel

"One evergreen popular theory is that Jaqen H'ghar, Arya's Faceless Men mentor, and Syrio Forel, Arya's Water Dancing teacher, are the same person. They both use the same speech patterns like "the girl is not ready" and they're both there to teach Arya a deadly skill. (Book readers may also note that the Kindly Man is also the same person.) One newer plot point from the show that supports the theory is that Arya's Water Dancing is what ends up saving her life with the Waif. Additionally, a lot of the skills that Syrio Forel teaches Arya are sensory skills that are also taught and encouraged by Faceless Men. A final weird tidbit of support? Syrio Forel tells Arya a story of a cat and then a cat plays a huge role in the Faceless Men story."

Personally, I think he's just dead. Unfortunately. Sadly. What do we say to the god of death? Enjoy this little (17 minute) video from Alt-Shift-X on the topic.

credit to: Nicole Silverberg at GQ

3. Timett and the Vale

I'm almost tempted to put this in the list of Ridiculous theories, but it's too fun to do so. Alt-Shift-X once again has a great video about subject.

4. Ser Pounce is Azor Ahai

Really these are too ridiculous to even write something about. I don't know how Alt-Shift-X does it.

5. Ramsay Bolton is Azor Ahai

"Melisandre never shuts up about the Lord of Light, R'hllor. She's obsessed with the idea that R'hllor has reincarnated the great hero Azor Ahai in the form of Stannis Baratheon, and that he'll lead the fight against the darkness and save everyone from Tommen ice zombies. But many fans believe that Azor Ahai will turn out to be someone else entirely, like Jon Snow. His rumored lineage, prophetic dreams and the Azor-like sacrifices he's made make him a pretty decent candidate.

But they might have the wrong bastard.

Ramsay Snow, illegitimate son of Roose "Nice Day for a Red Wedding" Bolton. This torture-loving prick came in second to Joffrey in Westeros' Next Top Sadist. Why even bother spending several books and TV seasons building him up by making him flay Theon Greyjoy? What's the endgame with the kind of merciless, unlovable henchman you see in a Saw movie? He could simply be a plot device to which "Reek" will test his mettle, but it would make way more sense if Ramsay turned out to be Azor Ahai reborn.

At one point, Melisandre says she has visions of "snow," and if she thought that might mean Jon Snow she'd already have had his demon ghost babies by now; she's confused because she hasn't met the right Snow. Admit it, making you root for a shitheel like Ramsay sounds exactly like something George R. R. Martin would do."

Personally, I think this is unlikely since Ramsay died in the Battle of the Bastards, but the dude is supposed to come back from the dead so who knows.

credit to: Tristan Cooper at Dorkly.

6. Dragons under Winterfell

"The ancient Stark stronghold of Winterfell is kept warm by water from hot springs that are piped through its walls. But how did those hot springs get hot? Perhaps dormant dragons are the answer. When Ramsay Bolton's forces put the castle to the torch during A Clash of Kings, Bran Stark watches through the eyes of his direwolf Summer, who observes "a great winged snake whose roar was a river of flame" in the sky, which quickly vanishes. It's unclear what the hell this is - a gust of fire from the ruins, or something more? Meanwhile, the possibility that the castle sits atop a clutch of dragon eggs, laid by Good Queen Alysanne Targaryen's dragon centuries earlier, is apparently a rumor of long standing in the North. These dragons wouldn't necessarily serve any master, if the wild and dangerous dragons discussed in The World of Ice and Fire guidebook are any indication; what that would mean for the area's residents is uncertain, but it's probably nothing good."

credit to: Sean Collins and Stefan Sasse at Vulture.