COP 3014 Recitation - Week 2

(a) This program reads in a number from the keyboard and stores it into x. If the number is equal to 1, then a message is displayed on the screen, otherwise no message is displayed on the screen. Copy this program and execute it on your machine.

(b) This program reads in a number from the keyboard and stores it into x. If the number is equal to 1, then a message is displayed on the screen notifying that the number is 1. Otherwise a message is displayed notifying that the number is not 1. Modify the previous program to match this one and execute it.

(c) What does this program do? Being able to describe what a program does can help you in writing programs also. Modify the previous program to match this one and execute it.

(d) What does this program do? Modify the previous program to match this one and execute it.

(e) What does this program do? Modify the previous program to match this one and execute it.

(f) Write a new program that (1) reads in an integer named gradefrom the keyboard and (2) displays the letter grade corresponding to the integer. I.e., the program should display "A" if the integer ranges from 90-100, "B" if the integer ranges from 80-89, and so forth.

(g) This program reads in a character from the keyboard and stores it into option. It then displays the option that was selected. It uses switch statements instead of if-else statements.

(h) Modify the program in (g) to include two additional options for '5' and '6'.

Program examples