COP 3014 Recitation - Week 7

File operations.

Part 1
a) Create a new project
b) Go to your documents folder / Visual Studio / project name / project name
c) Type this program in your project and execute it.
d) Does the file appear in your project folder?

Part 2
a) Modify the code to print "Hello world" to the file 100 times instead of just once

Part 3
Why do we need to close the file?

Part 4
Modify this file to write to a file instead of writing to the screen. Use the code from Part 1 as a guide if necessary.

Part 5
This program shows how we can print the values of variables to a file. Modify your code from Part 4 to also write the value of speed to the file. For example, if I'm going 35mph, instead of writing "Too slow!", it should say "35 is too slow!".

Program examples