[11Jun14] - The Lab (MCH 202) will be inaccessible from 10:30 to 12:20 MWF
The Young Scholars Program will be using MCH202 for a class from 10:30 to 12:20 on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday for the rest of the summer. During that time we will not be able to use the lab. The lab is still able to be used any other times.
[03Jun14] - Assignment 3 due date postponed to June 12th
Since we have not completed the lecture on ioctls and simple sleeping, the due date of assignment 3 will be postponed by one class lecture day (see Calendar).
[02Jun14] - Grades posted on blackboard
Based on the comment by Kevin, grades will be posted on blackboard. Therefore, you should verify that the grades on blackboard match the grades on the returned quizzes/assignments.