Mark StanovichEmail: stanovic [at]
Office: 105E
Office Hours: after class (11am - 1pm Tues. and Thurs.) or by appointment
Muye LiuE-mail: mliu [at]
Office Hours: Wed and Fri 4-6pm in MCH202
Meeting Times
Lecture: Tues. and Thurs. 9:30AM - 10:45AM in LOV 103Course Description
This is a hands-on course in operating system internals. Students configure, compile, and install a Linux kernel from sources; do the same for a kernel module; navigate and read the Linux kernel sources; design and implement a kernel module of your own; modify, or design and implement from scratch, a device driver; measure the performance of what you have modified or implemented.
This course is intended for people who have already completed an undergraduate course on operating systems like COP 4610, or who can convince the instructor that they have gained an equivalent general knowledge of operating systems in some other fashion. The course syllabus (see top) contains more specific prerequisites. Please see the final projects link above for examples of previous class projects.
Finally, this course is a continuation of the class originally developed by Ted Baker and Andy Wang, which was supported in part by National Science Foundation Grant CNS-EHS-0509131. The course has been taught and changed for many years since the initial offering, the most recent being Spring 2013 by Sarah Diesburg. Previous instructors include: Chris Meyers, Mike Mitchell, and Mark Stanovich.