Yue Chen

Name can be pronounced as: [ U Chan ]

ychen {[AT]} cs.fsu.edu      http://YueChen.me

170 LOVE Building
Florida State University
Tallahassee, FL 32304

About Me

(This page may be out-of-date; mostly shows my academic work.)

Currently Yue is working as a staff researcher at Palo Alto Networks, the largest cybersecurity company in the world, based on market cap.

Prior to that, he graduated as a Ph.D. from the Department of Computer Science at Florida State University, and fortunate to have Dr. Zhi Wang as his advisor. He received M.S. in Computer Science at Northeastern University, and B.Eng. in Information Security at Harbin Institute of Technology (World Top 3 in Engineering, ranked by US News).

His primary research interests are systems and security.

He was lucky to be interviewed by BSD Magazine, which also interviewed people like Andrew S. Tanenbaum.

Selected Recent Publications

  • Downgrade Attack on TrustZone
    Yue Chen, Yulong Zhang, Zhi Wang, Tao Wei
    arXiv preprint arXiv:1707.05082
    July 2017
    ► [ How the heart of trust becomes an Achilles' heel ]
    Paper.pdf BibTex
    Media Coverage: English Spanish Chinese (Simplified) Chinese (Traditional) German Polish Japanese Itailian Russian ...

  • Secure In-Cache Execution
    Yue Chen, Mustakimur Khandaker, Zhi Wang
    Proceedings of the 20th International Symposium on Research in Attacks, Intrusions and Defenses (RAID '17)
    Atlanta, GA, USA, September 2017 (20%)
    ► [ Say Goodbye to Cold Boot Attacks; your data is always encrypted in memory ]
    Paper.pdf Slides.pptx Slides.pdf BibTex

  • Adaptive Android Kernel Live Patching
    Yue Chen, Yulong Zhang, Zhi Wang, Liangzhao Xia, Chenfu Bao, Tao Wei
    Proceedings of the 26th USENIX Security Symposium (USENIX Security '17)
    Vancouver, BC, Canada, August 2017 (14.9%)
    ► [ Make Android Secure Again ]
    Paper.pdf Slides.pptx Slides.pdf Trailer Video Video-Alt Demo BibTex

  • #KARMA #MakeAndroidSecureAgain
  • Pinpointing Vulnerabilities
    Yue Chen, Mustakimur Khandaker, Zhi Wang
    Proceedings of the 12th ACM Asia Conference on Computer and Communications Security (AsiaCCS '17)
    Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, April 2017 (18.6%)
    ► [ A Time Machine to pinpoint vulnerabilities ]
    Paper.pdf Slides.pptx Slides.pdf BibTex

  • Design and Implementation of SecPod, A Framework for Virtualization-based Security Systems
    Xiaoguang Wang, Yong Qi, Zhi Wang, Yue Chen, Yajin Zhou
    IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing (TDSC), Issue: 99, March 2017. DOI: 10.1109/TDSC.2017.2675991
    Paper.pdf BibTex

  • Remix: On-demand Live Randomization
    Yue Chen, Zhi Wang, David Whalley, Long Lu
    Proceedings of the 6th ACM Conference on Data and Application Security and Privacy (CODASPY '16)
    New Orleans, LA, USA, March 2016 (19%)
    ► [Fine-grained Dynamic, Live ASLR during Runtime, periodically or with random time intervals]
    Paper.pdf Slides.pptx Slides.pdf BibTex

  • Adaptive Kernel Live Patching: An Open Collaborative Effort to Ameliorate Android N-day Root Exploits
    Yulong Zhang, Yue Chen, Chenfu Bao, Liangzhao Xia, Longri Zhen, Yongqiang Lu, Tao Wei
    Black Hat USA 2016
    Las Vegas, NV, USA, August 2016
    Paper.pdf BibTex

  • SecPod: a Framework for Virtualization-based Security Systems
    Xiaoguang Wang, Yue Chen, Zhi Wang, Yong Qi, Yajin Zhou
    Proceedings of the 2015 USENIX Annual Technical Conference (USENIX ATC '15)
    Santa Clara, CA, USA, July 2015 (16%)
    ► [An extensible framework for virtualization-based security systems that can provide both strong isolation and compatibility with modern hardware]
    Paper.pdf Slides.pdf BibTex

  • ARMlock: Hardware-based Fault Isolation for ARM
    Yajin Zhou, Xiaoguang Wang, Yue Chen, Zhi Wang
    Proceedings of the 21st ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security (CCS '14)
    Scottsdale, AZ, USA, November 2014 (19%)
    ► [A software fault isolation system to sandbox untrusted code for ARM platforms]
    Paper.pdf Slides.pdf BibTex

Invited Talks

  • Introduction to Meltdown & Spectre
    Palo Alto Networks
    Santa Clara, CA, USA, March 2018

  • Securing Androids with Adaptive Live Patching
    Finalist, Three-Minute Thesis™ Presentation Competition
    Tallahassee, FL, USA, November 2017

  • Securing Systems by Threat Mitigation and Adaptive Live Patching
    Graduate Course: CIS 5935 Introductory Seminar on Research
    Tallahassee, FL, USA, November 2017
    Slides.pptx Slides.pdf

  • Runtime, Dynamic, and Fine-grained Live ASLR
    Zhejiang University
    Hangzhou, Zhejiang, China, January 2017

  • Adaptive Android Kernel Live Patching
    Zhejiang University
    Hangzhou, Zhejiang, China, January 2017

  • Remix: On-demand Live Randomization
    1st Florida Security Workshop
    Tampa, FL, USA, December 2016

  • Remix: On-demand Live Randomization
    Bay Area Security Series (BASecX)
    Sunnyvale, CA, USA, June 2016

  • Topics in Big Data
    Yaspeed Information Technology
    Remote Lectures & Consulting, February 2016

  • Anti-Skew: Single-Key Data Skew Mitigation for MapReduce
    Advanced Database Seminar
    Tallahassee, FL, USA, 2015
    Slides.pptx Slides.pdf

  • Harvesting Developer Credentials in Android Apps
    8th ACM Conference on Security and Privacy in Wireless and Mobile Networks (WiSec '15)
    New York City, NY, USA, June 2015

Selected Posters

  • Downgrade Attack on TrustZone
    20th International Symposium on Research in Attacks, Intrusions and Defenses (RAID '17)

  • Remix: On-demand Live Randomization
    FSU CS Expo 2015

  • ARMlock: Hardware-based Fault Isolation for ARM
    FSU CS Expo 2014

Selected Services

    Mentor, Google Summer of Code
    Trusted Execution Environment based Dynamic Analysis on ARM

    Program Committee Member:
    EuroSec '20    (Chair of systems security session)
    SOUPS '19, Poster Judge  (co-located with USENIX Security '19)
    IEEE QRS '19
    IEEE CNS '19
    IWSEC '19
    ALLDATA '19
    IWSEC '18
    ALLDATA '18
    IWSEC '17
    ANT '17
    ALLDATA '17
    RSDA '16
    WISA '16
    IWSEC '16
    ICICS '16
    ANT '16
    SDS '16
    TrustCom '16
    USENIX WOOT '16  (co-located with USENIX Security '16)

    Journal Editorial Board:

    IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security
    IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing
    IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing
    IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering
    Computers & Security
    EURASIP Journal on Information Security


  • Lab Instructor & Teaching Assistant of CS 6740 - Network Security at Northeastern University

  • Teaching Assistant of CS 5600 - Computer Systems at Northeastern University

  • Recitation Instructor of CS 1800 - Discrete Structures at Northeastern University


Yue takes part in various CTF and coding/algorithm contests on an irregular basis.

He loves traveling around, and taking photos using a compact camera or a cell phone.
Here are some pictures he has taken.

Some Useful Links